Program 779: Loren Rush
KALW Broadcast Date: April 7, 2024 | Host: Ed Herrmann
Bay Area native Loren Rush had a long and varied career. Spanning over 50 years, his compositions explored aleatoric procedures, minimalism, serialism, just intonation, and the search for beauty. He was chairman of the Composition Department at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and director of the Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics. As a co-founder of the Good Sound Foundation, he pioneered the digital enhancement of acoustic sounds. This program presents music from the few commercial recordings of Loren Rush’s music, as well as historical recordings from the Other Minds Archives.
Program Audio
30-Second Spot
Track Info & Links

Title: Eterno
Composer: Loren Rush
Performer: Loren Rush
Recording Title: Omaggio a Giuseppe Ungaretti
Record Label: Recital
Catalog Number: Ninety Four

Title: Hexahedron
Composer: Loren Rush
Performer: Dwight Peltzer
Recording Title: The Composer 1967
Record Label: OM Archives

Title: Song
Composer: Loren Rush
Recording Title: Dans le Sable
Record Label: Recital

Title: Dance
Composer: Loren Rush
Recording Title: Dans le Sable
Record Label: Recital

Title: Nexus 16
Composer: Loren Rush
Performers: Students ensemble; Loren Rush, conductor
Recording Title: The Composer 1967
Record Label: OM Archives

Title: 5 Limit Slow Blues
Composer: Loren Rush
Performers: Loren Rush, Mel Graves, and Tim White
Recording Title: Morning Concert 1992
Record Label: OM Archives

Title: Dans le Sable
Composer: Loren Rush
Recording Title: Dans le Sable
Record Label: Recital

Title: Veglia
Composer: Loren Rush
Performer: Loren Rush
Recording Title: Omaggio a Giuseppe Ungaretti
Record Label: Recital
Catalog Number: Ninety Four

Title: Mattina
Composer: Loren Rush
Performers: Matthew Edwards, Stephen Harrison, and Susan Freier
Recording Title: Omaggio a Giuseppe Ungaretti
Record Label: Recital
Catalog Number: Ninety Four