Program 593: DON'T PANIC

KALW Broadcast Date: March 6, 2020 | Host: Liam Herb

On this Music from Other Minds, Liam Herb urges our listeners NOT TO PANIC, to wash their hands, and to listen to some amazing tracks by Errollyn Wallen; David Behrman, Paul DeMarinis, Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Anne Klingensmith (in collaboration); and Peter Garland.

Program Audio

30-Second Spot

Track Info & Links

Title: Don’t Panic!
Composer: Errollyn Wallen
Performers: The Errollyn Wallen Band (credits on album not specific, follow link for more info)
Recording Title: Meet Me At Harold Moores
Record Label: Wallen Music And Production
Catalog Number: 001


Title: ¿Dónde Está the Donner Party?, How Many Contracts do I Have, Linda?, Cannibal Cowgirl, How Many Fur Coats do I Have, Edith?, Archetypal Unitized Seminar, How Many Head o’ Cattle Do I Have, Sally?, Gold Rush Epilogue, You Pay Rent on your Brain, I Feel Like a Martian, Japanese Disease, I’m Hungry
Composers: David Behrman, Paul DeMarinis, Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Anne Klingensmith
Performers: David Behrman, Paul DeMarinis, Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Anne Klingensmith, Maggi Payne
Recording Title: She’s More Wild…
Record Label: Black Truffle Records
Catalog Number: BT059


Title: Moon Viewing Music (Inscrutable Stillness Studies #1): I. “Living alone in the woods…” (after Ryōkan); II. “Even more so…” (after Buson); VI. “I cleansed the mirror…” (after Renseki)
Composer: Peter Garland
Performers: William Winant
Recording Title: Moon Viewing Music (Inscrutable Stillness Studies #1)
Record Label: Cold Blue Music
Catalog Number: CB0052

Roscoe Mitchell
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